Inglês, perguntado por pifolchini2017, 3 meses atrás

Write tag questions for the following statements. a) Nonprofit organizations usually support social projects, b) There are many ways to volunteer, c) Volunteers will have the chance to engage socially, d) It's possible to travel and to volunteer at the same time, e) Sharing time and energy with others can be fulfilling, f) You would definitely study abroad if you had the chance, g) Traveling has helped us learn about ourselves, h) Monica doesn't have to graduate before volunteering in this project, i) The benefit concert isn't tonight, ? j) If you need help to organize the event, you'll ask me, k) We haven't visited this NGO before, 1) The volunteers weren't expecting so many donations, m) I can't apply for this exchange program if my parents don't sign this form, ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MadalenaBR

The tag questions are as follow:

a) Nonprofit organizations usually support social projects, don't they?

b) There are many ways to volunteer, aren't there?

c) Volunteers will have the chance to engage socially, won't they?

d) It's possible to travel and to volunteer at the same time, isn't it?

e) Sharing time and energy with others can be fulfilling, can't they?

f) You would definitely study abroad if you had the chance, wouldn't you?

g) Traveling has helped us learn about ourselves, hasn't it?

h) Monica doesn't have to graduate before volunteering in this project, does she?

i) The benefit concert isn't tonight, is it?

j) If you need help to organize the event, you'll ask me, won't you?

k) We haven't visited this NGO before, have we?

l) The volunteers weren't expecting so many donations, were they?

m) I can't apply for this exchange program if my parents don't sign this form, ​can I?

Question tags

As question tags ou tag questions são usadas para confirmar ou questionar uma informação já mencionada na frase principal. Em português, é o nosso ''né?''

As questions tags podem ser usadas em qualquer tempo verbal, na afirmativa ou negativa e com os modal verbs. Pode usar os pronomes pessoais (I - you - we - he - she - it - they) ou nomes próprios, na primeira parte da frase, mas apenas pronomes na question tag. Veja os exemplos:

  • You go to school today, don't you?
    Você vai para a escola hoje, não vai / né?
  • You didn't go to school on Sunday, did you?
    Você não foi para a escola no domingo, foi / né?
  • David will go to Paris in January, won't he?
    David irá a Paris em janeiro, não irá / né?
  • Helen and Tom should exercise more, shouldn't they?
    Helen e Tom deveriam se exercitar mais, não deveriam / né?


Regras para usar uma question tag

  • A question tag vai sempre aparecer no final da frase, e deve ser separada da frase principal por uma vírgula e com ponto de interrogação no final.
    - You are a dentist, aren't you?
    - The kids watched TV last night, didn't they?
  • A question tag tem que usar os auxiliares ''do - does - did - will - can'' e ''modal verbs'', quando não tiver verbo to be na primeira parte da frase, sempre seguindo o que está na primeira parte da frase.
    - I bought a new TV set, didn't I? - a frase está no passado (''bought'' é passado de ''buy'' = comprar). Então, a question tag tem que usar o auxiliar do passado ''did''
  • Se a sentença está na forma afirmativa, a question tag tem que ser na forma negativa.  
    - We will study French, won't we? - a primeira parte está na forma afirmativa e futura. Então, a question tag tem que ser com o auxiliar do futuro ''will'' na negativa.
  • Se a sentença está na forma negativa, a question tag tem que ser na forma afirmativa.  
    - She is not at home, is she? - a primeira parte da frase está na negativa. Então, a question tag tem que ser feita na afirmativa.
  • Quando a primeira parte da frase usar o verbo to be na primeira pessoa do singular afirmativa ( I am), a question tag será formada usando ''are'' e não ''am'', porque o ''am'' não pode ser contraído com o ''not''.
    - I am tired, aren't I?
    - I am studying Greek, aren't I?
    - I am a doctor, aren't ?  
  • Se a sentença tiver modal verb, a ''question tag'' tem que ser feita usando o mesmo modal verb.
    You should clean your room today, shouldn't you?
    We could go to the park after lunch, couldn't we?
    You shouldn't park your car here, should you?
    They mustn't drive fast, must they?

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