Inglês, perguntado por ejoao1588, 5 meses atrás

1. Una as frases passando a frase *destacada* para o Passado Perfeito. Você pode utilizar as palavras after (depois), before (antes), because (porque) ou when (quando) no início ou entre as frases para uni-las. Observe o exemplo:
Ex.: *Rachel served lunch*. The doorbell rang.
Rachel had served lunch when the doorbell rang. (Rachel havia servido o almoço quando a campainha tocou)

a) The baby woke up. *The father arrived.* *

b) *They ate the meal.* Susana came home. *

c) We had dinner. *We washed our hands.* *

d) I returned home. *I forgot my notebook.* *

e) The teacher arrived late. *He missed the bus.* *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present perfect

a) The baby woke up when the father has arrived.

b) They have eaten the meal before Susana came home.

c) We had dinner after we have washed our hands.

d) I returned home because I have forgotten my notebook.

e) The teacher arrived late because he has missed the bus.

⇒⇒  Present Perfect >>> expressa ações relativas ao presente, ou seja, as ações dos verbos ainda estão acontecendo ou terminaram recentemente.

have >> usado com I - we - you - they

has >> usado com he - she - it


Sujeito + have / has + verbo particípio + complemento

David has lived in Texas since 1990.

My sisters have studied English for many years.

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ejoao1588: excelente como sempre ;)
CremildaBR: thank you very much ;)
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