Inglês, perguntado por lyumoz2235, 11 meses atrás


Complete as frases com os verbos no past simples: (regular e irregular)

A)Yesterday any friend Sally and I ______ (Go to the superman
Key buy food. We ____ (find)
Enerything we _____

B) John usualy goes to School by bus, but yesterday he _____(wolk)
Because it _______ (be) a beautiful day.

C)When mary and Jake ______ (arrive) att the party, they ____ (look) for mike but carldn't find hin.

D) We ______ (see) star wars lastro week.
I ______ (like) It a lot, but my friends didn't.

E)My TV ______ (be) braken last week, so I _____ (read)
All my magazine in my free tine.

F)Janet _____ (make) three delicious dishes for luneh last saturday.
We _____ (eat) all the food-there
Was nothing left.

desculpe se tiver alguma palavra escrita errada fiz na pressa!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por KaickFilipe
a) went to the supermarket, found, needed
b) walked, was
c) arrived, looked
d) saw, liked
e) was, read
f) made, ate

lyumoz2235: Espero que esteja certo
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