Inglês, perguntado por lenzkaua, 8 meses atrás

. (UFRR/2010)

Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"

Clare: "I ______ you some coffee."

a) 'll go

b) am going to get

c) will get

d) am going to get to

e) will go to get

2. (Unesp/1998)

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:

I’ll __________ soccer this afternoon.

a) playing

b) played

c) to play

d) play

e) plays

3. (UFSC/1996)

Select the propositions which indicate future.

a) Paul and Mary are going to travel to Africa in July.

b) The children will not be hungry anymore.

c) David is going to study in a good school.

d) Gregorie is working in Africa now.

e) David will be eleven years old next year.

f) David and his family need help

4. (Unimar-PR)

Traduza para o inglês:

"Amanhã voltarei aqui de novo".

a) May I was back again here.

b) Tomorrow I'll be back here again.

c) Today I would again be back.

d) May I'll be back again here.

e) Tomorrow I shall be back again.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alicenogsou


hi remenbrye me


lenzkaua: do not know
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