Inglês, perguntado por dbsbdbcbbdjqbsuxbdxb, 2 meses atrás

Questão - ill): Complete as frases abaixo com possessive pronouns (pronomes possessivos): .1 - Why don't you read a poem of 2 - The T-shirt Sandra is wearing is not It belongs to her sister. 3 - Teenagers usually express their feelings. Do adults express 4 - Of course I think about my problems. You have to think about 5 - The magazine I am reading is not too.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anamancilhaa


1 Why don't you read a poem of yours?

2 The t-shirt Sandra is wearing is not hers. It belongs to her sister.

3 Teenagers usually express their feelings. Do adults express their?

4 Of couse I think about my problems. You have to think about yours.

5 The magazine I am reading is not mine too.


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