*Present Perfect, Text Comprehension
1- Circle the correct word
1. Micaela has/have lost her bag
2. Have you tisy/Lidled
3. Paul have/has written you a text message.
4. They hasn't/haven't gone to tah café yet.
5. My father has buy/bought a laptop.
6. My sister have/has watched a lot of tv.
7. I have given/gave a New mp3 player to my brother.
8. Has he ever use/used a DVD player?
9. My mother has just missing missed the bus.
10. Have/has you ever Walked in the snow?
2- Translation the phrases.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Present perfect
1. Micaela has lost her bag.
Micaela perdeu sua bolsa.
2. Have you tisy/Lidled. (frase sem sentido)
3. Paul has written you a text message.
Paul escreveu uma mensagem para você.
4. They haven't gone to the café yet.
Eles ainda não foram à cafeteria.
5. My father has bought a laptop.
Meu pai comprou um notebook. (computador portátil)
6. My sister has watched a lot of tv.
Minha irmã tem assistido muito TV.
7. I have given a new mp3 player to my brother.
Eu dei um novo mp3 player para o meu irmão.
8. Has he ever used a DVD player?
Alguma vez ele já usou um DVD player?
9. My mother has just missed the bus.
Minha mãe acabou de perder o ônibus.
10. Have you ever walked in the snow?
Alguma vez você já caminhou/andou na neve?
⇒⇒ Present Perfect >>> Indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.
→→ situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.
I have studied German since 2017. - Eu estudo alemão desde 2017.
(comecei a estudar alemão em 2017 e continuo estudando hoje)
→→ Uma ação terminada em um passado recente, confirmada pelo uso da palavra ''just''
David has just arrived from New York.
∴ Present perfect - negative
sujeito + has/have + not + verbo participio + complemento
John hasn't played soccer everyday.
They haven't lived here for a long time.
She hasn't danced since 2010.
∴ Present perfect - interrogative
has/have + sujeito + verbo participio + complemento
Has John played soccer everyday?
Have they lived here for a long time?
Has she danced since 2010?
learn more
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25367658
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/24615573