preciso de ajuda urgente!!!

Soluções para a tarefa
A) She was wearing a handmade dress
B) They were making a beautiful cake for the party
C) We were calling our friend to play soccer
D) She was sewing a dress for her grandmother
E) My mother was cutting the oranges to make some juice
F) I was buying some fabric to make a new jacket
Espero ter ajudado!
a) She was wearing a handmade dress
b) They were making a beautiful cake for the party
c) We weren't calling our friend to play soccer
d) She wasn't sewing a dress for her grandmother
e) My mother wasn't cutting the oranges to make some juice
f) I was buying some fabric to make a new jacket
Passado Simple do verbo "To be"
Afirmativa Negativa
I was was not ou wasn't
He, she, it was was not ou wasn't
You were were not ou weren't
We were were not ou weren't
They were were not ou weren't