Inglês, perguntado por analufernandeschrist, 2 meses atrás

Preciso de ajuda em duas frases do Future do Verbo To Be no Interrogativo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fabioinicius


Will they be in Brazil next month? (Eles estarão no Brasil mês que vem?)

Will they be the new directors? (Eles serão os novos diretores?

Respondido por LOCmath2
  • ▢ Tendo em vista que sua questão se trata de criar duas perguntas no modo Verb To Be Future, temos:

  • Will you be at home tomorrow evening?
  • Você vai estar em casa amanhã à noite?

  • Will she be famous in the future?
  • Ela será famosa no futuro?

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Verb To Be


Existem três modal verbs, que são os tempos verbais para indicar em qual tempo aquilo está sendo dito, que são: Simple Past ( Passado ), Simple Present ( Presente ) and Simple Future ( Futuro ). Para ficar mais fácil o entendimento, foi criado uma tabela dos três tempos. Vejamos:

Antes... Também há os tópicos nesses três tempos, que são: Afirmative, Negative and Interrogative. Elas conduzem as frases que são afirmativas, que estão afirmando algo; as negativas, que vão negar algo; e as interrogativas, que vão questionar algo e pode ocorrer tanto na versão afirmativa como negativa.

Também há as contrações, isto é: diminuir uma parte da palavra do verbo ( am, Will, was... ), deixando-a com suas últimas letras. Para indicar que é uma contração, irei colocar uma barra |. Na interrogative, não há contração.

Mais uma vez sobre contrações, no Simple Past – Afirmative, não contraímos was e nem were; só na Negative.

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  • I was
  • You were
  • She was
  • He was
  • It was
  • You were
  • They were
  • We were


  • I was not | I wasn't
  • You were not | You weren't
  • She was not | She wasn't
  • He was not | He wasn't
  • It was not | It wasn't
  • You were not | You weren't
  • They were not
  • We were not | We weren't


  • Was I?
  • Were you?
  • Was She?
  • Was he?
  • Was it?
  • Were you?
  • Were They?
  • Were We?

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  • I am | I'm
  • You are | You're
  • He is | He's
  • She is | She's
  • It is | It's
  • We are | We're
  • You are | You're
  • They are


  • I am not | I'm not
  • You are not | You aren't - You're not
  • He is not | He's not - He isn't
  • She is not | She's not - She isn't
  • It is not | It's not - It isn't
  • We are not | We're not - We aren't
  • You are not | You're not - You aren't
  • They are not


  • Am I?
  • Are you?
  • Is He?
  • Is she?
  • Is it?
  • Are we?
  • Are you?
  • Are they?

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  • I will be | I'll be
  • You will be | You'll be
  • He will be | He'll be
  • She will be | She'll be
  • It will be | It'll be
  • We will be | We'll be
  • You will be | You'll be
  • They will be


  • I will not be | I'll not be | I won't be
  • You will not be | You'll not be | You won't be
  • He will not be | He'll not be | He won't be
  • She will not be | She'll not be | She won't be
  • It will not be | It'll not be | It won't be
  • We will not be | We'll not be | We won't be
  • You will not be | You'll not be | You won't be
  • They will not be


  • will I be?
  • will you be?
  • will he be?
  • will she be?
  • will it be?
  • will we be?
  • will you be?
  • will they be?

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Saiba Mais


Resposta corrigida por: CremildaBR


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Acesse abaixo nesse link para uma explicação sobre Verb To Be:


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 \begin{gathered} \begin{gathered}\large \:   \color{yellow}{\boxed{{ \begin{array}{r}\mathtt{att: \: YOSHIAKI^2 \: \: - \: \: 31|08|22 \: \: - \: \: 18:27}\end{array}}}} \end{gathered}  \end{gathered}


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