Inglês, perguntado por patriciamoreira2512, 8 meses atrás

Por favor poderiam me ajudar ?

complete as frases abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no present contínuos:

a) The sun__________ (to shine)
b) the birds ___________( to fly)
c) the boys ___________ soccer (to play)
d) the old women _________ on the bench ( to sit)
e) she __________ Bread to the rigeons ( to give)
f) the rigeons __________ the Bread (to eat)
g) the ducks __________ in the pond (to swim)
h) the man __________ (to run)
i) I _________ a Picture (to take)
j) you ___________ at that Picture now (to look)
agradeço desde já quem poder me ajudar ♡​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por roitapraia


a) The sun is shining

b) The birds are flying

c) The Boys are playing soccer

d) The old women are siting on the bench

e) she is giving Bread to the rigeons

f) the rigeon are eating the Bread

g) The ducks are swiming in the pond

h) The man is runing

i ) I am taking a Picture

j) you are looking at that picture now

CremildaBR: d. plural
roitapraia: entendi fiquei na dúvida entre are e is nessa, mas obrgiado pela correção
CremildaBR: por nada ;)
CremildaBR: women é plural de woman ;)
roitapraia: entendi obrigado (:
CremildaBR: edita sua resposta, por favor. ;)
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