Inglês, perguntado por lucasslirasilvp0rcs0, 10 meses atrás

pelo o amor de deus dou todos os pontos possível pra quem fazer isso aqui mano e pra mim Passar em inglês em recuperação pfv


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavomaltapby11s
Primeiro exercício:

1. What would you do with a million dollars?

2. Well, i would buy a new house for my family.

3. Would you get an expensive car, too?

4. No, I would not buy a car. What a bout you?

5. I would take my friends on vacation.

Segundo exercício:

1. If she have enough money, she would buy the shoes.

2. If she learn how to drive, she would not take the bus.

3. If he do more exercise, he would be more strong.

4. If we drive less, we would have cleaner air.

Terceiro exercício:

1. If I were you, I would buy some new shoes.

2. If I were you, I wouald a get a hair cut.

3. If I were you, I would apply to college.

4. If I were you, I would not wear baggy clothes.

Quarto exercício:

1. I would give money and food to the poorest.

2. I would like to visit Paris.

lucasslirasilvp0rcs0: certeza mano? vlw parça
Respondido por Marcoschaves06


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pelo o amor de deus dou todos os pontos possível pra quem fazer isso aqui mano e pra mim Passar em inglês em recuperação pfv




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2 respostas

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Primeiro exercício:

1. What would you do with a million dollars?

2. Well, i would buy a new house for my family.

3. Would you get an expensive car, too?

4. No, I would not buy a car. What a bout you?

5. I would take my friends on vacation.

Segundo exercício:

1. If she have enough money, she would buy the shoes.

2. If she learn how to drive, she would not take the bus.

3. If he do more exercise, he would be more strong.

4. If we drive less, we would have cleaner air.

Terceiro exercício:

1. If I were you, I would buy some new shoes.

2. If I were you, I wouald a get a hair cut.

3. If I were you, I would apply to college.

4. If I were you, I would not wear baggy clothes.

Quarto exercício:

1. I would give money and food to the poorest.

2. I would like to visit Paris.

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