Inglês, perguntado por Antonellaalmeida, 8 meses atrás

Peço ajuda nessa pergunta, não botei aqui pq é mt grande então me ajudem por favor


Antonellaalmeida: E pra amanhã :c

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laurainsabraldmafra


1) a) your

b) my

c) her

d) their

e) her

f) its

g) his

h) their

i) our

j) your

k) their

l) his

m) its

n) your

o) her

2) a) my hands

b) her hands

c) our hands

d) his hands

e) their hands

f) your hands

3) a) his

b) their

c) live with our

d) with her parents

e) live with my

f) lives with his parents

g) with your parents?

h) live with their parents

Bom estudo!

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