Inglês, perguntado por usuario0301, 3 meses atrás

1. John wrote that letter.
2. Fire destroyed that house.
3. The audience enjoyed the concert very much.
4. Mary took that book from the desk.
5. John will deliver that letter.
6. Mary has finished the report.
7. Mr. Smith will leave the tickets at the box office.
8. The messenger has just left a box of flowers for you.
9. The police easily captured the thief.
10. Many people attended the lecture.
11. The movie disappointed us very much.
12. Mr. Jones manages the export division.
13. John returned the money last night.
14. The little boy ate the cake.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofia2007pina


That letter was written by John.

That house was destroyed by the fire.

The concert was enjoyed by the audience very much.

That book was taken from the desk by Mary.

The tickets will be left at the box office from Mr. Smith.

The box of flowers for you were left by the messenger.

The thief was easily captured by the police.

We were very disappointed by the movie.

The export division is managed by Mr. Jones.

Last night John returned the money.

The cake was eaten by the little boy.

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