Inglês, perguntado por ilenariku6029, 9 meses atrás

observe as frases abaixo com atenção e complete-as com as tag questions, lembre-se que o auxiliar depende da frase principal.

a) You will travel around the world,____________? b) You was meeting of interesting people, ____________?

c) Everybody adored you, ____________?

d) Many people is going to serve you, ____________?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lyzardkings206


a) You will travel around the world, will not?

b) You was meeting of interesting people, wasn't you?

c) Everybody adored you, don't you love it?

d) Many people is going to serve you, do not go?

Respondido por Juanin


a) won't you

b) wasn't you

c) didn't they

d) isn't they


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