Inglês, perguntado por isaasantos6754, 6 meses atrás

O Past Continuous Tense é formado da seguinte maneira: passado do verbo be
( was/were) + verbo principal com ing.
I wasn't watching TV when the phone rang. (Eu não estava assistindo TV quando o
telefone tocou?)
-What were you guys doing when she arrived? (O que vocês estavam fazendo quando
ela chegou?)
-What were you talking about? (O que você estava falando?)
-She fell down awkwardly while she was running. (Ela caiu de mau jeito enquanto corria.)
1-Passe para o tempo passado
a) He is listening to music.
b) My sister is doing her homework.
c) Her children are making dinner.
d) John and I am playing football.
e) Helen is going to Santa Catarina,​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por litopacvop582kw


1 A) He was listening to music

B) My sister was Doing her homework

C) Her Children were making dinner

D) John and I was playing football

E)Helen  was going To santa Catarina


IS ou AM no passado fica WAS

ARE no passado fica WERE

isaasantos6754: obrigada
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