Mr. Redwood gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has a shower, reads the newspaper and has breakfast. He always reads the Toronto News, and he has cereal with yogurt and a cup of black coffee for breakfast. He leaves home at 7:40 and goes to work. He drives to work every day. He gets to the lab at 8:15. He has lunch from 12:00 to 1:00. He eats at a small restaurant near the lab. At 5:30 in the evening he returns home. In the summer, he always waters the plants before having dinner. He has dinner at 7:30 p.m. After dinner he takes his dog Buffy for a walk. He often goes to bed at around 10:30 p.m.
rescreva o texto dizendo o que Sr. Redwood
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O Sr. Redwood levanta às 6:00 todas as manhãs. Ele toma banho, lê o jornal e toma café da manhã. Ele sempre lê o Toronto News e tem cereal com iogurte e uma xícara de café preto no café da manhã. Ele sai de casa às 7h40 e vai trabalhar. Ele dirige para o trabalho todos os dias. Ele chega ao laboratório às 8:15. Ele almoça das 12:00 às 13:00. Ele come em um pequeno restaurante perto do laboratório. Às 5:30 da tarde ele volta para casa. No verão, ele sempre rega as plantas antes do jantar. Ele janta às 19h30. Depois do jantar, ele leva Buffy para um passeio. Ele costuma ir para a cama por volta das 22h30.
woke up, had breakfast, watched toronto news,
went to work in his laboratory, when he arrived at his house, he took his dog for a walk, had dinner, and went to bed