Inglês, perguntado por strawberryyy, 9 meses atrás


1. Write questions for the answers
She has been waiting for the dentist since 11 AM

I have been going to the gym for a year

Joanne has been acting in a play since she came back to Brazil

She has been studying French since she got married because her husband is from France

My younger brother has been taking guitar classes

Denny has been living abroad since he finished high school

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por IgorAOLS


  • How long has she been waiting for the dentist?

  • How long have you been to the gym?

  • How long has Joanne been acting in a play?

  • How long has she been studying French?

  • Has your brother taking guitar classes?

  • How long has Denny been living abroad?

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos.

Respondido por jalves26

The questions for the answers are:

  • How long has she been waiting for the dentist?
  • How long have you been to the gym?
  • How long has Joanne been acting in a play?
  • How long has she been studying French?
  • How long has your brother taking guitar classes?
  • How long has Denny been living abroad?

Present Perfect

Usamos how long + o Present Perfect para formular perguntas a respeito de quanto tempo uma ação vem se desenrolando.

Por exemplo, a frase "She has been waiting for the dentist since 11 AM" indica que ela está esperando pelo dentista desde às 11 da manhã. Então, a pergunta correspondente a essa frase seria: há quanto tempo ela está esperando pelo dentista?

Usamos "has" para a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it), e "have" para as demais (I, you, we, they). Como é uma frase interrogativa, esses verbos auxiliares devem vir antes do sujeito.

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