Inglês, perguntado por marcospaulo300707, 5 meses atrás

DOU A MAIOR PONTUAÇÃO PRA VOCÊS . vou botar uma foto pra ajudar vcs a entender
1- Completar os espaços nas frases dos discursos de grandes líderes.
Example: “ The best thing in life is that I am going to see (see) myself in there."
a) “The future rewards those who presson, I don't have time to fell sorry for myself. I don't
have time to complain
(press)” – Barack Obama.
b) “We women
(bring) change. We are speaking up for girls' right, but we must
not behave like men, like men, like they have done in the past,” - Malala Yousafzai.
c) "My interest is in the future, because I
(spend) the rest of
my life
there." - Charles Kettering
d) “Everything it has to be true, I
(prove) it by myself."
e) “ The main qualification for political office is the ability to foretell what
(happen)." - Winston Churchill
f) "History shows us that people are terrible about guessing what
(happen) next week, next month, and specially next year” - Barry Ritholtz.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ts4362544

a)I’m going to plain

b)will going to bring

c)I’m going to spend

d)I’m foinh to prove

e)it’s going to happen

f)it’s going to happen

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