Matemática, perguntado por thiagoyeshua01, 1 ano atrás

Me ajudem com essa questão, por favor ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por djlmnhpvgmailcom


4= same but write é = e // e= 2 values é = one so I think is write e until é so 4) 4me is same.

5) one domain whit 2 images is possible but I don't can demonstrate iet so = false

3)false it's the iso file

2) it's possible if e=f and impossible if they are different

So B until I not agree.

Explicação passo-a-passo:

1 a teoric don't is possible have 2 isoss F; 2 V if exposed up , 3 F because is iso file, 4 obvious, 5- V but in that is formality. so FVFVV the last is opost of first. but is it high school and I graduated in 1999. Perhaps I am totally wrong.

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