Inglês, perguntado por artix9066, 10 meses atrás

Many psychologists today say that television destroys family unity and kills imagination.” They say that if parents really love their
children, they should get rid of their TV sets”.
I believe that television can actually increase imagination and family unity. Our family often gets together to watch a program and
afterward we discuss it.
Sometimes my mother or father will ask my brother and me what we would do in a similar situation. This makes us think about what
we have seen. People shouldn’t forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. Through TV I can see how people in other countries live,
what they wear and how they talk, even though I can´t afford to travel to those countries. My great-grandmother never saw live
kangaroos hopping around in Australia; she never saw an African jungle. I have. At fifteen years of age, I’ve seen more of the world ⎯
on TV ⎯ than she did in her whole life.
1. Many psychologists think that:
a) TV increases imagination.
b) TV brings family together.
c) TV can be an excellent teacher.
d) TV is harmful to the family.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fernandalagoleite


letra d

d)TV is harmful to the family.


Respondido por anavitoriafc14p6ki5x


Alternativa correta: letra d)


O texto está dizendo que muito dos psicólogos dizem que a televisão destrói a união da família e "mata" a imaginação. E, logo em seguida, aparece a opinião de alguém falando que não pensa desse mesmo jeito, e que a televisão pode ser uma boa professora e nos ensinar várias coisas, ou até mesmo que podemos conhecer o mundo sem sair de casa.

Então, a única alternativa correta é a letra D, pois foi perguntado o que os psicólogos pensam, e nela diz "a TV é prejudicial a família", porque, segundo o texto, muitos psicólogos pensam nisso.

Espero ter ajudado!

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