Inglês, perguntado por jpramosnunes, 1 ano atrás

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William Henry Gates lll was born on oct. 28 ,1955. At the age, he discovered his interest in software and started programming computers. In 1973, Gates entered Harvad University, and left it years later to dedicate himself to Microsoft, his own company. Nowadays more than 78,000 people in 105 countries work at Microsoft ,and Gates is one of the richest men in the world. Philanthropy is very important to Gates, so he opened the Bill & Melinda Foundation. The Foundation invested US$3.6 billion in Global health and US$ 2 billion in learning.

Quantos verbos estão na forma regular do passado?

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Respondido por dudamaria0207


Quantos verbos estão na forma regular do passado?

Seis (Six)

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