Inglês, perguntado por netotoso17, 5 meses atrás

Leia o texto e responda às perguntas: John had a great party at his house last night, but he forget everything he had to do in the next day. Fortunately, he had his mom to help him remember everything. He started asking her "is there anything I have to do today?" And his mom replied"There are a lot of stuff to do! First, go take a shower, there is a clean towel in the bathroom". After the shower, his mom completed: "Here, there is a fresh bread to have breakfast and there are some fruits on the table". / a-)Quando aconteceu a festa na casa do John? b-) Qual foi a primeira ordem que a mãe do John passou a ele? c-) O que tinha para comer no café da manhã? *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pingucaderant


a) last night

b) Take a shower

c) fresh bread, and some fruits

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