Inglês, perguntado por Mamye, 8 meses atrás

KENYA A TRIP TO REMEMBER (...) One of my greatest travel experiences came during a study abroad trip to Kenya, I traveled with a group of students to Nairobi, Naramaru and Measai Mara, in Kenya. In all three places and the travel it took to get there. I had expenences that I would never have had in America. I was surrounded by people who spoke Different languages, ate different food, dressed differently and valued different parts of life. For many in the group, it was a culture shock, but to me it was an amazing cultural immersion that I will remember for long into the future. Our professor and tour guide urged us to journal every day about our experiences, as I look back I can see where my eternal spark for travel was lit I wrote about my feelings of traveling alone in the city on public transportation, my time in the kitchen with our host family, teaching in the village school and the elephants I saw on safari, among other things. I didn't know it then, but traveling and studying abroad created a deeper appreciation for my own Black American culture. Excerpt from written account. Available at:. Accessed on: July 21, 2018.

a) What country was the trip to?

b) Whats is the nationality of the person who is telling the story?

c) How did the narrator feel about this trip? Justify your answer whith an excerpt from the text.​

Mamye: Em português, por favor.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kekecris2005

a) A viagem foi em Nairóbi, Naramaru e Measai Mara, no Quênia.

b) A pessoa que está contando a história é estadunidense.

c) EN: "For many in the group, it was a culture shock, but to me it was an amazing cultural immersion that I will remember for long into the future."

PT: "Para muitos no grupo, foi um choque cultural, mas para mim foi uma incrível imersão cultural da qual vou lembrar por muito tempo no futuro."

Aqui está! Espero ter ajudado :)

Mamye: Ajudou sim, muito obrigada.
kekecris2005: De nada ;)
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