ICT is the acronym for Information and Communication Technology, a term that represents all networking components, software, devices (such as smartphones, computers, notebooks, tablets and smart televisions), apps and everything else needed to have access and interact in the digital world. The term is widely used to represent all modern and wireless devices, but by ICT it is possible to understand all common technologies too, such as television broadcast, landline telephones, security cameras, etc. Briefly speaking, it is all the past, present and even future technologies used for communication and information.
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⇒⇒ Cognatos
ICT is the acronym for Information and Communication Technology, a term that represents all networking components, software, devices (such as smartphones, computers, notebooks, tablets and smart televisions), apps and everything else needed to have access and interact in the digital world. The term is widely used to represent all modern and wireless devices, but by ICT it is possible to understand all common technologies too, such as television broadcast, landline telephones, security cameras, etc. Briefly speaking, it is all the past, present and even future technologies used for communication and information.
⇒⇒ Palavras cognatas >>> São palavras em inglês que têm a grafia similar e o mesmo significado em português.
Popular ⇔ popular
Comedy ⇔ comédia
Different ⇔ diferente
Future ⇔ futuro
Idea ⇔ ideia
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