Inglês, perguntado por mdradesantanasamuel, 5 meses atrás

EXERCISE II: Leia o texto e responda as perguntas em Ingles.
Alicia Sanchez is a lawyer. She lives in New York City with her mother and sister. Alicia
gets up early every day and runs three miles. Then she takes a shower and has breakfast. At 8
a.m. she goes to her office and in the afternoon she goes to the forum audiences. On
weekends, she usually stays at home, watches series, meets friends. On vacation, she loves
traveling to another countries to know their cultures.
1-What does Alicia do?
2-Where does she live?
3-Does Alicia swim?
4-Where does she go in the afternoon?
5-When does Alicia meet her friends?
6-What does she love?
7-Who does she live with?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vicgust10VicWesth


1 - She is a lawyer

2 - She lives in New York City

3 - No, she doesn't swim

4 - In the afternon she goes to the forum audiences

5 - On the weekends

6 - She loves traveling to other countries to know their cultures

7 - She lives with her mom and her sister

Espero ter ajudado :)

Perguntas interessantes