Inglês, perguntado por gamaleticia90, 6 meses atrás

1 - Complete thefollowing questionsusing DO or DOES
a) sheliketotravel?
b) I have no ideawhere Stephen is. youknow?
c) theymeet new friendseveryweekatthatschool?
d) I realized Suzy isworking in that hospital. shelike it?

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por KURAMAKE


Custei pra ler mas acho que fica assim

Does she like to travel

I have no idea where stephen is.Do you know

Do they meet friends...

Does she like it.

Sempre sera do com os sujeitos:

I (eu)

You (você)

We (nós)

You (vocês)

They (eles/elas)

E sempre sera Does com os sujeitos:

He (ele)

She (ela)

It (ele/ela sem ser humanos, ex:animais)

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