1. Complete as frases abaixo com o passado do verbo to be (was ou were). Siga o exemplo da letra A.
a. It was hot yesterday. Estava quente ontem.
b. I _______ sick last week. Eu estava doente semana passada.
c. You _______ happier. Você estava mais feliz.
d. We _______ together last night. Nós estávamos juntos ontem à noite.
e. He _______ my best friend. Ele era meu melhor amigo.
f. She ________ an excellent teacher. Ela era uma excelente professora.
g. They ________ talking about you. Eles estavam falando de você.
h. Shirley _____ waiting for you. Shirley estava esperando você.
i. Ronald ________ studying hard. Ronald estava estudando muito.
j. Ronald and Shirley ________ at home. Ronald e Shirley estavam em casa.
k. People ______worried about you. As pessoas estavam preocupadas com você.
l. The weather _______ so nice. O clima estava agradável.
m. You and me ________ upset. Você e eu estávamos chateados.
2. Coloque as frases na forma negativa acrescentando a palavra not depois de was e were como no exemplo.
a. The weather was good yesterday. O clima estava bom.
The weather was not good yesterday. O clima não estava bom.
b. We were tired. Nós estávamos ocupados.
c. She was reading. Ela estava lendo.
d. They were at the party. Eles estavam na festa.
3. As frases abaixo estão na forma negativa, reescreva cada uma colocando as formas was not e were not na forma abreviada (wasn’t e weren’t). Siga o exemplo.
a. I was not sick. Eu não estava doente.
I wasn’t sick.
b. It was not too far. Não era tão longe.
c. Jack was not home. Jack não estava em casa.
d. Tammy and Joanna were not late. Tammy e Joanna não estavam atrasadas.
e. They were not here. Eles não estavam aqui.
4. Transforme as frases em perguntas colocando as formas was e were antes do sujeito como no exemplo.
a. You were at home yesterday. Você estava em casa ontem.
Were you at home yesterday?
b. They were fine. Eles estavam bem.
c. She was angry with me. Ela estava zangada comigo.
d. He was working. Ele estava trabalhando.
Soluções para a tarefa
b. was
c. were
d. were
e. was
f. was
g. were
h. was
i. was
j. were
k. were
l. was
m. were
b. we were not tired
c. she was not reading
d. they were not at the party
b. It wasn't too far
c. Jack wasn't home
d. Tammy and Joanna weren't late
e. They weren't here
b. were they fine?
c. was she angry with me?
d. was he working?
A flexão was é usada com os pronomes I (eu), he (ele), she (ela), it (utilizado para fazer referência a pessoas, animais, lugares e/ou objetos). Já a flexão were é usada com os pronomes you (você), we (nós), you (vocês) e they (eles/elas).
3- wasn't é umas contração de was not
weren't é uma contração que were not
Complete with Simple Past (was/were):
1.b) I was sick last week.
c) You were happier.
d) We were together last night.
e) He was my best friend.
f) She was an excellent teacher.
g) They were talking about you.
h) Shirley was waiting for you.
i) Ronald was studying hard.
j) Ronald and Shirley were at home.
k) People were worried about you.
l) The weather was so nice.
m) You and me were upset.
2)b) We were not tired.
c) She was not reading.
d) They were not at the party.
3)b) It wasn't too far.
c) Jack wasn't home.
d) Tammy and Joanna weren't late.
e) They weren't here.
4.b) Were they fine?
c) Was she angry with me?
d) Was he working?
Simple Past é um tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.
Utiliza-se o Simple Past nas frases em que há sentido de ação concluída e finalizada. Além disso, há uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.
Neste tempo verbal, utiliza-se verbos regulares (walked, worked, played, washed, etc.) e verbos irregulares (went, drank, flew, saw, etc.).
Exemplos: He studied Math last night./ We did not (didn't) go to school last week./ I called you two days ago.
Para saber mais: brainly.com.br/tarefa/38639390