Inglês, perguntado por vitoriacaetanoduarte, 3 meses atrás

eu tenho que entregar um trabalho de inglês hj tenho que fazer um texto (a importância da língua inglesa no mundo atual)

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Respondido por mariabeatrizcsresend


The expansion of the English language began with the Industrial Revolution and the colonization process of many countries in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Although the conditions for establishing English as an international language were implemented by Great Britain, the emergence of the United States as a superpower in the mid-20th century ensured the consolidation of this language as a global language.

English is spoken as a first language in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and several Caribbean countries.

The phenomenon of the growing globalization of the world and the consequent need for an efficient language of communication has made the English language fundamental throughout the world. It is the international language of travel and business. It is the language of world communication.

Mastery of the language means growth, development and, above all, better conditions to keep up with the rapid changes that have been taking place. English thus opens the door to personal, professional and cultural development.

It is estimated that 85% of the world's scientific publications, 75% of all international written communication, 80% of the information stored on all the world's computers and 90% of the Internet's content is in English.

It is an essential attribute for entering an increasingly competitive labor market. With increasing globalization, many young people will find themselves in the near future, forced to seek a better life abroad. English opens many doors, starting with the job market.

With the emergence of the Internet, knowledge of English has become essential for anyone who wants to have access to information and, for example, wants to do an efficient search on the Web. The Internet, as one of the most powerful technological instruments able to bring and carry information, will emphasize the importance of language.

English is the language of IT, world cinema, international sports, aviation, scientific meetings, international trade and tourism. It has a social and communicative function. It became the vehicle for cultural exchange.

The intensification of the process of interaction between peoples and cultures through the strengthening of economic relations has transformed the mastery of English into a valuable asset.

Until recently, English was a privilege for the few, today it is a necessity for many.

Respondido por isassilva
O texto em português:A Língua Inglesa se tornou o segundo idioma mais falado no mundo globalizado, tornando-se assim fundamental seu aprendizado. Através do Inglês, conseguimos nos comunicar tanto em um ambiente de trabalho, quanto ao redor do mundo em uma viagem de lazer, além de acessar amplamente à Internet.

O texto em inglês:The English language has become the second most spoken language in the globalized world, making its learning fundamental. Through English, we were able to communicate both in a work environment
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