Inglês, perguntado por lisa0709silvestre, 8 meses atrás

Escreva um pequeno texto em inglês, com 60-80 paravras, sobre a sua opinião em relação ao Covid-19.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Vivimarreira17


Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. The new coronavirus agent was discovered on 12/31/19 after cases registered in China. It causes the disease called coronavirus (COVID-19).

The first human coronaviruses were isolated for the first time in 1937. However, it was in 1965 that the virus was described as coronavirus, due to the profile in microscopy, looking like a crown.

Most people are infected with the common coronaviruses throughout their lives, and young children are more likely to become infected with the most common type of the virus. The most common coronaviruses that infect humans are alpha coronavirus 229E and NL63 and beta coronavirus OC43, HKU1.

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