Inglês, perguntado por analuisabarbosa284, 9 meses atrás

escreva um pequeno texto comparando 3 cidades que você já visitou.

ajuda ?

miawagner: é para fazer as resposta em inglês?
analuisabarbosa284: sim mais se não quiser não tem nd n

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miawagner


Well, I've already visited Balneário Camboriú, Blumenau and Camboriú (cities in Santa Catarina, Brazil). They all have their special things.

1- Balneário Camboriú. It has a very beautiful beach and a very good weather. The weather is always pleasant and it is a great place to live in. It's a perfect city for tourists, so the apartments and houses are very expensive to rent, so it's not a perfect place to live if you're not rich but it's still a good place to visit.

2- Blumenau. It is very beautiful place and has many German customs. The houses are well made. The city, speaking of looks, is beautiful. The weather is not very pleasant most of the times, it's always hot that makes it hard to live there. It was quite cold recently, but in general it's usually hot around there.

3- Camboriú. This is a very small city and it doesn't offer a lot of things. I'd like to live there in anyway. The weather is good and people are nice most of the times. It's the kind of city where everyone knows everyone else, which is better in my personal opinion. It isn't perfect but it isn't that bad.

Final comparison; I would say that definitely Balneário Camboriú it's the best on this list. It has a beach, it's a beautiful place and I wanted to live there. I like it the most. All cities I mentioned are good but it's won at the end of the day.

analuisabarbosa284: muito obg
analuisabarbosa284: ajudou muito valeu mesmo de coração ❤️
miawagner: de nada :))
miawagner: aliás, estás respostas foram das cidades que EU já fui, então é uma resposta pessoal, mas do mesmo jeito eu não sei se isto importa?
miawagner: em fim, de nada
miawagner: boa sorte com a sua atividade
analuisabarbosa284: muito obrigada
analuisabarbosa284: tenha um ótimo dia
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