Inglês, perguntado por nanaaraujo2010, 3 meses atrás

III. Supply the correct verb tense of the verbs in parentheses. (Past tense)
a. They ____________________( to get ) married three months ago.
b. I _______________________( to hurt) myself in the accident last week.
c. She ______________________( to teach) English for tem years.
d. Karl ________________________(to live) in Italy since last year.
e. Ted always _______________(to run) around the block in the morning.
f. He usually ____________________(to take) the children to school.
g. The kids _______________________( to play) in the garden now.
h. Mom __________________________( to make) dinner when I arrived yesterday.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por HeinzAry


a) got

b) hurt

c) taught

d) lived

e) ran

f) took

g) played

h) made

nanaaraujo2010: whats?
HeinzAry: I've given you the answers for the exercise. That's pretty much it, lol
nanaaraujo2010: acho que esta errado se eu tirar 0 é culpa sua kksksks
HeinzAry: Eu tenho fluência em Inglês, se eu estiver errado, é porque sou um total ignorante. Atualmente aprendendo Alemão e Português, então me diga.
nanaaraujo2010: karai kssks
nanaaraujo2010: responde a minha ultima pergunta ai ;-;
nanaaraujo2010: pfvv
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