Inglês, perguntado por otan3343, 9 meses atrás

escreva as frases no plural,usando os pronomes demonstrativos .

perto - this -singular (este esta isto ) e these - plural (estes estas )

longe - that - singular (aquele aquela aquilo ) e those - plural (aqueles aquelas )

exemplo this is a book . these are books

a) this is a beautiful flower ---------------------

b) that is not a yellow bird --------------

c) is this a new car ?---------------

d) that is my friend -----------

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn

a) this is a beautiful flower ------ these are beautiful flowers

b) that is not a yellow bird ------- those are not yellow birds

c) is this a new car ?---- are these new cars?

d) that is my friend ------ those are my friends

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