Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 3 meses atrás

Escolham 10 desses verbos e formulem frases em Inglês de acordo com o seu dia a dia

Eat; play; cry; buy; drink; sleep; sing; take; wash; watch; say; speak; cut; hurt; put; bring; write; read; talk; clean. ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arthurgusso15


i eat every day

i play soccer with my friends

i cry when i watch a romantic movie

i buy things every week

i drink water every days

i sleep all night

i sing when i am listening to music

i take the things on the table to use it

i wash my hands before having lunch

i watch tv with my family

i say hi to people when i meet them

i speak very much when i'm excited

i cut my nails every week

i hurt my army when i make to much effort

i put my notebook on my table to study

i bring new things to my family after traveling

i write text messages using whatsap

i read book once a month

i talk to my friends when i'm with them

i clean my room every days

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