Inglês, perguntado por isabellepepbd20n, 10 meses atrás

Das questões 6 a 9, complete corretamente os espaços em branco com as formas verbais adequadas (simple past, past continuous, future). 06. Can you tell me where ______________________________ my bike yesterday? (you, to leave) 07. Susie ________________________________ TV when her husband ________________________________. (to watch, to arrive) 08. You and I ______________________________ together if we don’t want to fail at the admission exam this year. (will, to study) 09. __________ Dennis ____________________________ to Canada next July? (going to, to travel) 10. Complete com os graus do comparativo ou superlativo. a) My sister is not ______________________________ student in class, but she is definitely ______________________________ me. (good, good) b) Which city is the ______________________________ from São Paulo? (far) c) My ______________________________ brother works at that hospital. (old) d) You are ______________________________ person I know. (interesting)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Lucapooka

06. Can you tell me where you left my bike yesterday?

07. Susie was watching TV when her husband arrived

08. You and I will have to study together if we don’t want to fail at the admission exam this year.

09. Is Dennis going to travel to Canada next July?

10. Complete com os graus do comparativo ou superlativo.

a) My sister is not the best student in class, but she is definitely better than me.

b) Which city is the farthest from São Paulo?

c) My eldest brother works at that hospital. (pode ser oldest tambem, ambos estão corretos)

d) You are the most interesting person I know.

Respondido por geekiedacerteza





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