Inglês, perguntado por carolinasdvargas, 4 meses atrás

                                                            Contração                       Tradução
I am  .................    I´m ....................  Eu sou/estou
You are ............     You´re ..............  Você é/está   ( Tu és/estás)
He is ................     He´s .................  Ele é/está
She is ..............     She´s ................. Ela é/está
It is ....................    It´s  ......................Ele ou ela (coisas e animais) é/está
We are ............     We´re ................. Nós somos/estamos
You are ............    You´re ................ Vocês são/estão
They are ..........     They´re .............. Eles são/estão

I am a boy. – Eu sou um menino.
She is a journalist. – Ela é jornalista.
They are brothers. – Eles são irmãos.

Forma negativa                                                                   Forma interrogativa
I am not         ….         x                                                                   Am I ?
You are not   ….   You aren´t                                                           Are you
He is not        ….   He isn´t                                                               Is he?
She is not      …..  She isn´t                                                             Is she?
It is not          …..  It isn´t                                                                  Is it?
We are not    ….. We aren´t                                                             Are we?
You are not   ….. You aren´t                                                            Are you?
They are not  ….. They aren´t                                                         Are they?

1) He is my friend.  -  Ele é meu amigo.
    Interrogativa:  Is he my friend?
    Negativa:  He is not my friend.

2) John, Mary and Robert are at school now. – John, Mary e Robert estão na escola agora.
   Interrogativa:  Are John, Mary and Robert at school now?
   Negativa: John, Mary and Robert are not at school now.

A – Escolha a forma correta do verbo "to be" no Present Tense.
1)   I  ________ twenty years old.
      a- (   ) am                          b- (   ) are                   c- (   ) is

2)   Sue and Tom  ________ friends.
      a- (   ) am                         b- (   ) are                   c- (   ) is

3) The dogs ________ young.
    a- (   ) am                            b- (   ) are                   c- (   ) is

4)  Bill  ________ nice.
    a- (   ) am                            b- (   ) are                    c- (   ) is

5)  They  ________ happy.
    a- (   ) am                          b- (   ) are                     c- (   ) is

6)  We  ________ in a Spanish class.
    a- (   ) am                           b- (  ) are                     c- (   ) is

7)  I __________  Brazilian and I live in Alvorada.
    a- (   ) am                           b- (   )  are                     c- (   ) is

8)  _________  you studying now?
    a- (   ) am                           b-  (   )  are                     c- (   ) is
9)  My dog _________________ playing in the park now.
    a- (   )  am                           b-  (   ) are                    c-  (   ) is
10)  The teachers and the students _____________ watching a TV program.
    a-  (   ) am                                  b- (   ) are                            c- (   )  is     
B) Passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativa e negativa: 
1-  They are members of the country club.
     Interrogativa: _________________________________________________________________
     Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
2-  Richard, Jane and Kelly are in the classroom now.     
     Negativa: ____________________________________________________________________
3-   We are studying our lessons together.
       Interrogativa: ________________________________________________________________
       Negativa: ___________________________________________________________________
C-  Todas as frases abaixo apresentam erros. Reescreva-as corretamente:
1-  I  is doing a very good job in the company.
2-   Mary  are not a good student.
3-   Is they engineers or doctors?
 4-   The cat  are black and brown.
5-  We am in the classroom now.
6-  My father and my mother is watching TV.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LeandroXDD


A – Escolha a forma correta do verbo "to be" no Present Tense.

1)   I  ________ twenty years old.

     a- ( X ) am                          b- (   ) are                   c- (   ) is

2)   Sue and Tom  ________ friends.

     a- (   ) am                         b- (  X ) are                   c- (   ) is

3) The dogs ________ young.

   a- (   ) am                            b- ( X ) are                   c- (   ) is

4)  Bill  ________ nice.

   a- (   ) am                            b- (   ) are                    c- ( X ) is

5)  They  ________ happy.

   a- (   ) am                          b- ( X ) are                     c- (   ) is

6)  We  ________ in a Spanish class.

   a- (   ) am                           b- ( X ) are                     c- (   ) is

7)  I __________  Brazilian and I live in Alvorada.

   a- ( X  ) am                           b- (   )  are                     c- (   ) is

8)  _________  you studying now?

   a- (   ) am                           b-  ( X )  are                     c- (   ) is




9)  My dog _________________ playing in the park now.

   a- (   )  am                           b-  (   ) are                    c-  (  X ) is


10)  The teachers and the students _____________ watching a TV program.

   a-  (   ) am                                  b- ( X ) are                            c- (   )  is    

B) Passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativa e negativa:  


1-  They are members of the country club.

    Interrogativa: Are they members of the country club.

    Negativa: They are not members of the country club.


2- Richard, Jane and Kelly are in the classroom now.    

    Interrogativa: Richard,  are Jane and Kelly   in the classroom now  

    Negativa: Richard, Jane and Kelly are not in the classroom now.    

3-   We are studying our lessons together.

      Interrogativa: are we studying our lessons together.

      Negativa: We are not studying our lessons together.




C-  Todas as frases abaixo apresentam erros. Reescreva-as corretamente:

1-  I am  doing a very good job in the company.




2-   Mary  is not a good student.



3-   Are they engineers or doctors?



4-   The cat is black and brown.



5-  We are the classroom now.



6-  My father and my mother are watching TV.

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