Inglês, perguntado por maia20003, 8 meses atrás

Considerando as formas de ‘Past Perfect’, marque com um X na sentença correta, sendo que W significa que a sentença está incorreta e R significa que a sentença está correta:
1. The boss had gone out before I arrived the office.
a) (R) right
b) (W) wrong
2. He has saved the pictures before the pendrive crashed.
a) (R) right
B) (W) Wrong
3. When we arrived they have already started to discuss.
a) (R) right
b) (W) wrong
4. I was very tired because I hadn’t slept well.
a) (R) right
b) (W) wrong
5. Had you decided where to go before you talked to me?
(R) right
b) (W) wrong

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Lucidalvacabeleireir


1-r 2-w 3-w 4-w 5-r


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