Inglês, perguntado por lucasii12, 2 meses atrás

Complete the sentences using the past continous tense and number the pictures. (Complete as frses usando o passado contínuos e numere as figuras).

n) The boy____________his dog in the park.( walk)

o) The little girl______________flowers in the garden. (pick)

p) My sister________________emails to her friends.(send)

q) Alex____________________some spaghetti in the kitchen.(eat)

r) Henry_________________a green salad for his family.(prepare)

s) Margaret______________her mom a plant.( give)

t) Lucy_________________some dough to bake a cake.( make)

u) George________________a ladder.(climb)

v) They______________with wooden swords.(fight)

w) A little kid_________________his bike.( ride)

x) Johnny____________on the dry leaves.(jump)

y) Daniel_______________a match in his left hand.(hold)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por edihs2
Was walking
Was picking
Was sending
Was eating
Was preparing
Was giving
Was making
Was climbing
We’re fighting
Was riding
Was jumping
Was holding
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