Inglês, perguntado por slaaa123344, 3 meses atrás

Complete as lacunas usando verbo to be no presente (am/is/are)

a) you____ walking too fast
b) she____ watching the walking dead
C) this food___ very good
d) we___ from the diamond plateau
e) i___ fine and I got covid 19 .

preciso de ajuda rápido! ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Ninakk


a) You are walking too fast.

b) She is watching The Walking Dead.

c) This food is very good.

d) We are from the diamond plateau.

e) I am fine and I got Covid 19.

slaaa123344: muito obrigada
slaaa123344: : )
Respondido por alexandrecastroale

Resposta:a) you__are__ walking too fast

b) she__is__ watching the walking dead

C) this food__are_ very good

d) we_are__ from the diamond plateau

e) i_am__ fine and I got covid 19 .


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