Inglês, perguntado por almeidavi133, 8 meses atrás

Complete as frases com o To Be no passado: She ......studying English. We.....friends. *



Opção 1

Assinale as alternativas corretas: *

The cars were not green.

Were She your sister?

The apples were delicious

Were You at home yesterday?

Assinale a alternativa correta To Be Passado: *

I were watching cartoon.

You was combing the hair

She was brushing the teeth.

Assinale as alternativas corretas To Be presente e Passado: *

I am drinking soda.

She was eating pizza

He were a good student.

Traduza: The girls were preparing a big picnic. *

As garotas estavam preparando um grande piquenique.

As garotas estão preparando um grande piquenique

What is your name? *

Sua resposta

Assinale as alternativas corretas: *

I was

you were

He were

She was

we was

They were

Escreva na forma interrogativa: My relatives were painting the baby's room. *

Were My relatives were painting the baby's room?

Were My relatives painting the baby's room?

Complete as frases com o To Be no passado: He school. They the house. *



Qual é sua série? *

Sua resposta

Escreva na forma negativa: My mother was a great nurse. *

My mother was not a great nurse.

My mother not was a great nurse.

Escreva as frases no passado: Ana is singing a song./ Peter and John are listening a good song. *

Ana were singing a song / Peter and John were listening a good song.

Ana was singing a song /Peter and John were listening a good song.

gente pfv mim ajuda​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fampamoraes


she was studiyng-we were Friends

the cars were not green

the Apples were delicious

she was brushing her teeth

she was eating pizza

As garotas estavam preparando um grande piquenique

qual é seu nome?

I was

you were

She was

They were

Were My relatives painting the baby's room?



qual é a sua série?

My mother was not a great nurse

Ana was singing a song /Peter and John were listening a good song.

pronto acho q tá tudo certo

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