Inglês, perguntado por calypssonforeve, 1 ano atrás

Chose the alternative that is correct rewriting of thw two first ones using both/and ,either/nor or neither/nor
-c. She can start working today or she can start working tomorrow
( ) she can start working either today or tomorrow
( ) she can start working both today or tomorrow
( ) either today or tomorrow she can start working
( ) she can start working neither today nor tomorrow
-d. I do not have time to travel with you.I don’t have the money either
( ) I Don’t have either time or Money to travel with you.
( ) I have neither time nor Money to travel with you
( ) I don’t have neither time nor Money to travel with you
( ) I have either time or Money to GO to travel with you.
-e.Colin is at school and so is Lauren
( ) Either Colin and Laura are at school ( ) both Colin and Lauren is at school
() neither Colin and Laura are at school ( ) both Colin and Lauren are at school
-f. That man lives in London or Sydney . I’m sure!!
() that man lives in neither london or Sydney () that man lives in both london or Sydney
() that man lives in either london or Sydney () that man lives in either london and sydney

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo
I don't have time to travel with you. I don't have the money either.
Respondido por luiza1212
(x) she can start working either today or tomorrow.

(x) i don´t have neither time or money to travel with you

(x) both colin and lauren are at school

(x) that man lives in either london or sydney
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