Inglês, perguntado por pedro4869, 11 meses atrás

Choose the correct answer.

Will You? (Hazel O'Connor)

You drink your coffee,
I sip my tea,
And we're sitting here, playing so cool,
Thinking, 'What will be, will be.'
And it's getting kind of late now,
Oh, I wonder if you'll stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now,
Or will you just politely say 'Goodnight'?
I move a little closer to you,
Not knowing quite what to do and I'm
Feeling all fingers and thumbs,
I spill my tea, oh silly me,
It´s getting kind of late now.
I wonder if you´ll stay now,
Stay now, stay now, stay now,
Or will you just politely say 'Goodnight'?.

1- Na letra da música, a pergunta “WHAT WILL BE” é corretamente traduzida por: *

1 ponto

Quem será?

O que será?

Quando será?

Pra quê será?

2- “WILL YOU JUST POLITELY SAY 'GOODNIGHT?” Qual opção apresenta a única resposta gramaticalmente correta para essa pergunta? *

1 ponto

Yes, I will not.

No, I will.

Yes, I do.

No, I will not.​

topgamescu: 1-B)O que será?
2-D)No, I will not.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por analicepedroso17






costaluan: 1B 2D fml
yabushitavita: é a letra b no, I Will not
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