Inglês, perguntado por rayanerodrigues0634, 4 meses atrás

Change to the negative form the sentences below.

a) She would like to study at night.


b) We would like to stay home at the weekend.


c) I would like to travel on my vacation.


d) If I were you I would buy that car.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por biaatpwk


eh so trocar would por wouldn't :)


Respondido por Goku0Uzumaki


a- She would not like to study at night.

b- We would not like to stay home at the weekend.

c-I would not like to travel on my vacation.

d-If I were you I would not buy that car.​


A transformação quando tem o would é simples, basta colocar o not.

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