Inglês, perguntado por estersjahel, 1 mês atrás

Change each sentence from the active to the passive voice Simple Present and Past Tense Verbs

1) Miguel and Sam showed me a pretty painting.

2) She hurt my finger that is why I bought some plaster.

3) Jacob flies aeroplanes.

4) I build houses.

5) Billy hid my toys from me, although I told him not to do so.

Change each sentence from the passive voice to the active voice

6) Even though he likes movies, that one was forgotten by him.

7) The ball is caught by the children.

8) Mahogany trees are felled by us.

9) The boys were forsaken by their nanny.

10) The vase was broken by the little girl.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


a pretty painting was showed to me by miguel and sam

that's why i brought some plaster my finger was hurt by her

aeroplanes are flew by jacob

house are built by me

although i told him not to do so my toys were hidden by billy

he forgot that one, even though he likes movies

children catches the ball

we fell mahagany trees

their nanny forsook the boys

the little girl broken the vase


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