Inglês, perguntado por guisoethe, 9 meses atrás

Bob Dylan was born on May 24th, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota. He grew up in a Jewish middle-class family in
the city of Hibbing. As a teenager he played in various bands and with time his interest in music deepened,
with a particular passion for American folk music and blues. He was influenced by the early authors of the
Beat Generation, as well as by modernist poets.
Dylan moved to New York City in 1961 and began to perform in clubs and cafés in Greenwich Village. He
met the record producer John Hammond with whom he signed a contract for his debut album, Bob Dylan
(1962). In the following years he recorded a number of albums which have had a tremendous impact on
popular music.
Dylan has recorded a large number of albums revolving around topics such as: the social conditions of man,
religion, politics and love. The lyrics have continuously been published in new editions, under the title Lyrics.
As an artist, he is strikingly versatile; he has been active as painter, actor and scriptwriter.
Besides his large production of albums, Dylan has published experimental work like Tarantula (1971) and
the collection Writings and Drawings (1973). He has written an autobiography, Chronicles (2004), which
depicts memories from the early years in New York and which provides glimpses of his life at the center of
popular culture.
Available: . [Adapted]. Accessed
on: June 22nd, 2017
9. (Ufsc 2018) Select the proposition(s) which contains (contain) correct definitions or synonyms for the underlined
words as they are used in text.
01) as well as: correctly
02) in the following: in the next
04) which: that
08) such as: like
16) besides: next to

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Geowo


Números; 02 e 08


Such as - Como, Tal como


"...A crisis that threatens the

economies of other developing countries, such as Brazil. "

"...Uma crise e que ameaça as economias do desenvolvimento dos países, como o Brasil."

In the Following - Seguite, Próximo


"The performance was, mainly, explained by the following openning;"  

"A perfomance foi, sobretudo, explicada pela seguinte abertura;"

Respondido por sofitkj23


A soma dá 14 (afirmações 02+04+08)


01) Não pode ser pois as well as significa assim como, enquanto correctly significa corretamente. Ou seja, as well as ≠ correctly

02) "In the following years" = "In the next years" (ambas tem sentido de futuro, a primeira se traduz literalmente para "Nos anos seguintes" e a segunda para "nos próximos anos", mantendo o mesmo sentido)

04) " he recorded a number of albums which have had a

tremendous impact on popular music"

(which tem significado de que, assim como a palavra "that")

Neste caso, that pode substituir which, sem alterar o sentido, pois não há nada isolado entre vírgulas, portanto uma informação se liga à outra e ambas são importantes para a compreensão do texto, sem ser apenas "algo extra")

08) Such as = como; Like = como (normalmente traduzimos para gostar, mas pode ter sentido de "tipo" no sentido informal, que basicamente significa como)

exemplo: I love fluffy things like/(such as) clouds/// "gosto de coisas 'fofinhas' como(tipo) nuvens (por exemplo) )

Portanto such as = like

soma final = 02+04+08 = 14

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