Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

Answer the questions using the suggestions in the parentheses.

a. What will you see if you go to Manaus? (the Amazon forest)
b. What will you do if your friend doesn't understand a lesson? (help him)
c. What will you do if you see trash outside the bin? (put it into the bin)
d. What will you do if your sister forgets to turn off the lights? (do it)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por karinaic
a. If I go to Manaus I'll (ou I will) see the Amazon forest.
b. If my friend doesn't understand a lesson I'll 
(ou I will) help him.
c. If I see trash outside the bin I'll 
(ou I will) put it into the bin.
d. If my sister forgets to turn off the lights I'll 
(ou I will) do it.
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