Although I had little cooking experience when I married my husband Michael never voiced a complaint. During the early days of our marriage, he asked for two pieces of toast with his dinner. He repeated this request at the next meal and at every meal from that point on – sometimes including as many as four slices. One evening, months later, I fixed an especially nice dinner with roast beef, mashed potatoes, a vegetable and his customary toast. He ate everything, commenting on how good it was. However, I noticed that he hadn't eaten his toast. When I called it to his attention, he said, "I didn't need it tonight. Everything tasted good!"
. Marque a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto .
A) A esposa de Michael cozinhava muito bem quando eles se casaram
B) Tudo o que ela cozinhava estava sempre delicioso
C) Michael amava torradas
D) A esposa de Michael tinha pouco experiência na cozinha quando eles se casaram
Soluções para a tarefa
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Acredito que seja a "D"
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