Inglês, perguntado por Behvivi, 9 meses atrás

Alguémmmmmmmm me ajuda aqui​


Behvivi: obrigada ❤️ mtt obrigada

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


a. I am going to be a happy girl.

  I will be a happy girl.

b. We are going to have much money.

   We will have much money.

c.  She is going to translate this book for me.

    She will translate this book for me.

d. He is going to wait for you at the airport.

   He will wait for you at the airport.

e. They are going to practice sports on Sundays.

   They are going to practice sports on Sundays.

f. You are going to have some problems at home.

  You will have some problems at home.


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