Português, perguntado por kethyzinha1, 10 meses atrás

Alguém precisa na net um poema que tenha o verbo to be ou um texto em inglês que tenha o verbo tô be

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Danielszsousa

I am not what I was

I am Who I am 

Who I am?

I'm the one who want to be where I am


The one I have been my whole life 

And the one I will ever be

You are just a spectator

Yes. You don't know 


We are more than this 

We're not what you want, 

We're not what you say, 


They try

They are trying 

They can't


Who he is, who she is, who they are, who you are, and who you all are: Doesn't matter 

The question is not where I going to stop 

But it is 

Who is going to stop me?


So, Be it! 

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