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Soluções para a tarefa
Resposta:MODAL VERBS- 1ª Alfredo’s score on the test is the highest in the class; he _______________________.
a) should study last night.
b) should have studied last night.
**c) must have studied last night.
d) needn’t have studied last night.
2ª You ought ___________ a holiday.
a) take b)took c)taking **d) to take
3ª My vacation is over. I ________ get back to work immediately, otherwise I’ll lose my job.
a) may b) should **c)must d)can't
4ª Check the correct alternative about the use of modal verbs.
**a) May I ask a question?.
b) I can to speak Spanish.
c) I think you don´t should go to the beach.
d) I can ride a bike, when I was 6 years
1- Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras, respectivamente: Big and Good.
a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
**d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
2- Papyrus was used ____________ than paper.
a) early
**b) earlier
c) more early
d) earlyer
3- That table is __________ than this one.
a) long
b) more long
c) longest
**d) longer
1- They are three young sisters, two of them are twins. Carla is as old as Catherine; Lisa is ......
A) older than Carla and younger than Catherine.
**B) the eldest.
C) the younger.
D) oldest than the others.
2- The athlete from Kenya won the medal. He was ...... runner in the competition.
A) the faster
B) the quicker
**C) the fastest
D) quickest
3- Qual a forma superlativa em inglês da palavra interesting?
**A) The most interesting
B) The more interesting
C) Interestier
D) Interestest