alguem consegue me ajudar?

Soluções para a tarefa
1) Do you like to study English and German?
2) Does she like to drink some milk?
3) Does your father study Spanish alone?
4) Does Robie speak four languages?
5) Does the teacher work and study at night?
6) Does my mother need to speak with you?
7) Does Ana go the beach on the weekend?
Quando nos referimos a 3° pessoa no singular (he - she - it) e iremos usar os mesmos em formas interrogativas, usamos o DOES:
Does she like it?
Does he drink wine?
Does it hurt?
Quando nos referimos a 1°, 2° e 3° no plural (I - They - We - You) usamos DO para colocar os mesmos em forma interrogativa:
Do I like it?
Do they play sports?
Do you want some food?
Do we have books?
Quando na forma interrogativa, não usamos S ao final de um verbo, como:
Só usamos os verbos nessa forma quando a frase ou sentença for no AFFIRMATIVE (afirmativo)
Hugs my friend!