Inglês, perguntado por haterajudando2, 5 meses atrás

A)Supply tag questions.
1. The babies are crying,___________?
2. Paul was working 2 hours ago,_________?
3. Tom and Ted have finished the exercises,_________?
4. Your sister will come for dinner,___________?
5. That lady plays the violin,___________?
6. The musicians reproduced the score,____________?
7.You are going to leave,__________?
8. We can be here at 7 o`clock,__________?
9.The boys were playing the guitar,___________?
10.You must arrive at 9 o`clock,____________?
Obs.: Verbos MODAIS: can, may, must, could, might,

B) B)Supply tag questions.
1. Judy isn’t studying now,_________?
2. Dr Brown hasn’t arrived yet,________?
3. Your friend and you don’t speak Russian,________?
4.That tree isn’t an apple tree,__________?
5. Sandy and I won’t stay here,________?
6. We woundn’t go to the movies,_________?
7. The woman aren’t making a cake,_________?
8. Bill and Tom didn’t answer the question,___________?
9. You weren’t walking down the street yesterday,_____________?
10. They hadn’t answered the letter,____________?

C) Check your grammar: gap fill Complete the sentences with a word from the box.
Auxiliary positive negative be do

1. If the main part of the sentence is positive, we add a _______________ question tag.
2. If the main part of the sentence is negative, we add a _______________ question tag.
3. If the sentence contains an _______________ verb or modal verb, we use that for the question tag.
4. The other exception is the verb _______________ – we use that for the question tag if it appears in the main part of the sentence.
5. If the main part of the sentence contains a different verb, we make the question tag using _______________, in the correct form.

D) Supply tag questions.
1. The scientist prepared his materials,______________?
2. John and Jack have been asking questions,_____________?
3. We are not going to stau here all day,_________?
4. Sheila will talk about it tomorrow,____________?
5. I am not walking to school with her, ________________?
6. Bob has seen something strange,_______________?
7. The poor horse has broken its leg,_____________?
8. The actors were no attracting people’s attention,____________?
9. John says beautiful poems,____________?
10. She never replies to my comments,______________?

E) Supply tag questions. (casos especiais).
1. Come here,___________?
2. Let’s talk for a minute,____________?
3. I am going to visit you,____________?
4. Don’t close your eyes now,____________?
5. I am tired of studying,_______________?
6. We may arrive together,__________?

F) Check your grammar: multiple choice . Circle the correct tag to complete the questions.
1. It is next to the supermarket, don’t it / isn’t it ?
2. You've met my brother before, don’t you / haven’t you ?
3. He was born in 1970, didn’t he / wasn’t he ?
4. Bela can help, can’t she / doesn’t she ?
5. I'm right, aren’t I / am I ?
6. You can't drive down your road, can’t you / can you ?
7. They won't be late, will they / are they ?
8. You're coming tomorrow, aren’t you / do you?

G) Faça a oração certa para cada tag.
1-___________________________________, shall we?
2-___________________________________, do you?
3-___________________________________, isn’t she?
4-___________________________________, did he?
5-___________________________________, don’t you?

H) Which is the correct alternative:
1. That cost a lot, ______________?
a) doesn’t it b) doesn’t that c)did it d) didn’t it e) don’t that
2. Jeane, don’t speak so fast,___________?
a) will you b) doesn’t she c) does she d)don’t you e) will she
3. There wasn’t any frost yesterday,____________?
a) was there b)didn’t it c)wasn’t it d) wasn’t there e)is there
4. Mr. O’Hara and I like to do research,_______________?
a) are we b) doesn’t he c)don’t we d)didn’t we e)do we
5. Our sister rarely teaches archaeology,___________?
a) doesn’t she b)does she c)don’t she d)didn’t she e)did she
6. Stay away from it,_____________?
a) don’t it b)shall we c)am I d)can’t you e)will you
7. He’d better stop now,____________?
a) wouldn’t you b)did he c) didn’t he d)hadn’t he e) would he

I) Make sentences to the following question tags. Follow the example.(235)
a) Peter saw the hurricane, didn’t he? (see/the herricane)
b) Julia_________________________, doesn’t she? (have/ books about nature)
c)______________________________, aren’t I?(be/ crazy about ecology)
d)______________________________, shall we? (protect ourselves from floods)
e)______________________________, will they? (go/the Alps)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por em301273


1 A) 1 aren't they

2 wasn't he

3 haven't they

4 won't she

5 doesn't she

6 didn't they

7 aren't you

8 can't we

9 weren't they

10 mustn't you


1 is she

2 has he

3 do they

4 is it

5 will we

6 would we

7 are she

8 did they

9 were you

10 had they

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